Using Memcached to store and retrieve session data
I started with creating an Ubuntu VPS. I then installed Memcached from the CLI via SSH from my local machine. I secured the '.conf' file by setting it to listen on localhost and disabling UDP. I then configured SASL support for connecting my PHP scripts to the backend SQL database.

I then added Apache and PHP to the server. Next I created a php info page and put it on the server to view the memcached information. I can see that memcached is installed and is communicating with PHP properly.

Next to get a simple connection working and some data flowing back and forth I created this simple php page with a key. This script opens a new Memcached instance to the localhost and gets the requested key. If no key is found it adds one. On the next refresh then the newly created key which is a string of text is retrieved from Memcached.

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