Dynamic Hooking and Overwriting of Native Android Password Validation Using Frida
Dynamic Hooking and Overwriting of Native Android Password Validation Using Frida Dynamic Hooking and Overwriting of Native Android Password Validation Using Frida Introduction Reverse engineering native libraries in Android applications provides a direct avenue for examining the intricate logic underpinning critical functions. This exploration employs Frida , a sophisticated dynamic instrumentation framework, to interact with and manipulate the password validation routine of a native Android application. Hooking and Overwriting the Password Validation Using Frida, we intercepted and manipulated the password validation logic within the application’s native codebase. Java.perform(function () { var lib = Module.findExportByName("libnative-lib.so", "Java_com_optiv_ndkcrackme_MainActivity_b"); if (lib) { console.log("Found function: " + lib); Interceptor.attach(lib, { ...