Simple Javascript Youtube API using Security Authentication Tokens

I created a sample Javascript page to show how the Youtube API can be integrated to bring in video names, links and any other information contained within the searchable database. This could be used for either loading clips or links for a specific audience or branding.

The key part here is that we use a specific API token we received from our admin panel in our developer account. Once we have a specific key that is tied to our account we have in essence a special gateway to access the server that only we (and our website's users) can access. As you can see here our URL is constructed using our special API token and the user's search term.

A simple Javascript search page using the Youtube API

This can obviously be customized with additional CSS or HTML but here the purpose is to show the backend API at work. The 'Next' and 'Previous' buttons also use tokens that do additional requests to the server. I found this to be a simple introduction to get up and running with API's and learning how access tokens work with Javascript.
