User management application using Node.js and Redis
Here I created a user management application using Redis and Node.js. Here we can simply add and search through user detail records. The application consists of a few components. There is the main app.js file which controls much of the application. And I used express for Node.js with handlebars to add users, create details and search through the users. In this adduser.handlebars file I create the "POST" method with an action that will send the information below in a post to /user/add which will create the new user in Redis. Next in the details.handlebars file below I set everything up to handle the display of the records that are retrieved from Redis. Then I have a searchusers.handlebars file which handles the search functionality. The main.handlebars file handles the HTML output and is quite similar to any other HTML page with the interesting differentiation of how the body content is handled. The triple curly brackets tell handlebars to display the ...